perspective and homework


Postmaster General
this image is being done for HW in photoshop, i had to use guides to create a perspective grid and then free distort an image, does this look like its in perspective, (the book isnt very helpful) and what should i do about the weird lighing in the image


  • perspective.jpg
    97.7 KB · Views: 25
No, I doubt the bottom of that image will run straight like that in the real world. The POV would have it on a slight slant. not to mention the fact that it is straight makes it look out of place. You need to place it on the wall more evenly spaced, if it is centered right there, there will be a larger gap closer to the POV, not farther. You will need to adjust the contrast and add some lighting effects to blend it in, it is too bright and flat right now. A frame would be nice, but that might be a bit much if you are new to this type of distortion.

Try to use 1 point perspective to find the main point, then draw out your lines and see what that returns. Although, 1 point isn't true to actual perspective, just a good visual trick that looks good enough.
What's the deal with that lighting for the scene through the doorway? Is the source image like that? If it is, then either get a new source image or live with it; if not, fix it.

Another thing to fit to the perspective is the lightswitch. It will need to blend in the exact same way as the rest of it.
The bottom on the pic would not be at eye-level, unless you were a midget in a big person's home.

Also, the front of the pic does not look perfectly straight. It could be that you are missing a frame on the pic itself, it looks too flat on the wall.
I like the lighting. It's dramatic and makes the picture look really professional (from a photography standpoint).

Good work.
actually that us the original picture, i didnt do anything to the lighting, kinda looks like going "into the light," before death or something, lol.

Arden what do you mean about the light switch, it is part of the picture i didnt add it.