PhonValet equivalent for PC,server based


Hello Mac OS X support member,

I am trying to find the best telephone voicemail PC solution out there. Myself I am used to using Winfax 8.0, on Windows 98, which included the answering machine software package called TalkWorks, both by Symantec. A bit delicate in setting up as the voicemodem was a crucial item in the chain. But it impressed my girlfriend who now has a business with a Windows 2003 Server with XP workstations. Myself I am switching to Mac OSX and will be using Phone Valet.
She has her fax reception and sending setup through the included in Windows Server 2003 software. The server handles the reception and sending thus not taxing the workstations during work. So IDEAL would be to have a software solution that would run on the server and give pop up notifications on 2 workstations. This would be preferred over having a single workstation receiving the voicemail. BUT it may have to go that way maybe...

It may not be a common way for business to handle voicemail but I find it exceptionally convenient. So I hope we can find a solution here for her business.

Thank you