Photoshop 6 demo in classic?


ERGH! I've got the Photoshop 6 demo running in Classic (because I want get used to photoshop before I buy PS7, BUT when it's running the enitire menu bar goes blank!

I know it's not a problem with classic, because I have Fireworks 3 running at the same time, and the menu is there for that. it also doesn't work if I close Fireworks, so I know that's not the problem.

It really makes life hard, seeing as the only keyboard shortcut I know is command+o for open!
and just out of curiousity, why are you using ps6 beta to see if you want to buy ps7? wouldn't you rather want to use ps7 beta?

He's not using a beta, he's using a demo. Adobe doesn't provide a Photoshop 7 Demo yet, so he has to use the photoshop 6 demo that they do provide.

I don't know what the problem is. Have you searched Adobe's MacOSX compatability site?
regarding the problem though.. hmmm.:confused: have no idea.

i'm assuming it works fine is os9 native, and not classic?

Well, I opened it in OS 9, and it works properly, but *cries* I'm using OS 9 at the moment :(

Hmm, well, seeing as the demo can't save, I don' tsee much point staying in here, although, taking a screen shot, then saving the shot is a great work around.

I can only pray that Adobe will release PS7 in Australia soon...
Originally posted by Hypernate
Well, I opened it in OS 9, and it works properly, but *cries* I'm using OS 9 at the moment :(

Hmm, well, seeing as the demo can't save, I don' tsee much point staying in here, although, taking a screen shot, then saving the shot is a great work around.

I can only pray that Adobe will release PS7 in Australia soon...

yeah, that does seem kind of pointless. i don't even know if ps7 is even out, here in the states. i thought it was out already from checking out the apple site, but i've only seen the beta, which i've been using w/o any problems in osx.

The no-menubar thing is a known bug with Photoshop 6.x in Classic; it does not show up when booting to OS 9, only in OS X's Classic compatibility layer. If it crops up, and you need the menubar (learn those keyboard shortcuts!), quit Photoshop, restart Classic, and the second time it almost always works; if not, repeat. Inelegant, yes, but the only way. Photoshop 7, by the way, ROCKS and is worth its weight in gold. After I installed it, I officially dumped OS 9 for good.