I run Photoshop 7 with OSX 10.1. , but now I installed Jaguar and the same Photoshop tells me now that a valid Classic environment was not detected.
Why Classic? Does anybody know what happened here?
I only installed Jaguar, cause I didn't need Classic anymore. -> Photoshop 7 does not need it...
Today I created a new disk image and installed OS X 9.2.2 on it, just to try if it solves the problem. Otherwise I could simply through it away.
But now PS 7 tells me that my serial is wrong! Uurgh...
ihave a problem to with photoshop7 in os x 10.2.3, it run perfectly from a few weeks, and today it just doesn't want to start, it tell: "me some of necessary elements can't be find etc", i clic "ok" and it simply shut down ...
please help me
Azora: Under Mac OS X, go to the folder where Photoshop is located and click it once. Press Apple+I for the Get Info Screen. Next, make sure that "Run in Classic Environment" is not checked.
Mixba: The program is missing some files in your home Library's Application Support folder.