Picky optical drive....but why?


Ok, this one has me puzzled. I needed to pull some scans off of about 8 different CDs and quickly found that my G4 would only recognize some of them. Others, it tries to read it, thinks about it for about 30 seconds, and then spits it out. I consistently spits out the same discs and reads the same ones over and over. Why? I haven't a clue.

Any CD that I burned on my computer, another OS X machine, or that was burned on a PC is fine. Most CDs burned on my school's iMacs (running OS 9) or other Macs running OS 9 get spit out. All of the discs, however, have worked fine previously. They're not scratched, warped, or whatever. Nothing with the CDs themselves has changed whatsoever. Im running 10.2.3 and the only thing I can think of is that some recent software update might have introduced some funny little bug. But would that even have this effect? Honestly, I've never even heard of this problem before, so I'm essentially at a complete loss.

Ideas? Thanks much.