Pixel Art


Yeah, Androo.
hey, do you guys know a good macosx app that is good for pixel art (besides photoshop)????

ps, pixelart is where u draw things pixel by pixel.
Any graphics app with a zoom feature would let you edit a picture pixel by pixel. I think one of the most popular shareware graphics apps is GraphicConverter.

- Brian
Ah.... "pixelart"... that reminds me of the good old days... back when the iconfactory was pushing out 32x32 pixel works of art... I did quite a few myself..... and they looked so friggin' cool at the time. Then Mac OS X's beautiful 128x128 icons came around and screwed everything up. :P
Yes, I remember making a map for my house in ClarisWorks 3.0. They looked pretty dang sweet!

I made the gravel roads different shades of brown to simulate the real thing too! lol