Playing Audio in Safari


(I am not a programmer, but have access to one)

What is the best/easiest way in Safari to be able to have an image (JPG/GIF, whatever) be able to play a sound when you click on it?

And I don't want the sound to come up in a new window with a player. I just want the sound to play when I click on an image.

I've seen some Javascript stuff on the web, but it doesn't seem to work in Safari. I created a Flash widget for it, but it's going to be a pain to make custom Flash widgets for every image that I want to do this for.

All I want is onClick play "coolsound", end of story, why does it have to be such a pain? (rhetorical)

Note that I would be willing to use any custom Safari audio support (if it exists) since the site will only be for Safari (Mac) users anwyay.