Playmaker Football and Classic


Postmaster General
I downloaded Playmaker football (one of the best football games ever), the only problem is that when it runs in classic the Mouse cursor disappears, it is still there cause i can postition it over a button then click twice (once from OS X) to get it to work, has anyone else had this type of probelm with classic, this is the first time ive had this probelm in classic TIA
Playermaker, what a great game.
You have your monitor reset, right? Do you have any special cursors that might cause it to blank out? I remember having the problem once with the disappearing cursor. I can't remember what I did exactly, but it did go away. Have you tried a simple restart?
if you read the replies at versiontracker, this is either a common bug or a feature of the game. i can't remember which.
ok thanks, i was ready to hook up our iivx just to play it, i might still for fun:D