Please help asap printer probs


OK i typed up a long essay in word and when i go to print it dont print. I 4 got that my printer gets a error everytime i try to add it to the printer list. I have jag on a g4 I have a lexmark x73 and right now they only have drivers for 10.1-10.1.5??? I thought jag had support for my printer. I must print it out tonight to give in tomorrow please help. In os9 it works but i dont have offfice to i cant just open it there i would have to export it as txt for 0s9 but then it comes out without double spaces?? Thanks
Does it change at all the document. Whats the diff between text and pdf. What program do i use in os9 to open the pdf.
The PDF will look exactly like it does on your screen. Because Quartz is based on PDF and everything you seen on screen is rendered in PDF it transfers perfectly. It will look exactly the same. To open it in OS 9 just download acrobat reader from Adobe, open it up, and print.

Ive tried that software but doesnt support it. Word cant export in pdf. I even tried appleworks for 0s9 but dont want to open the word doc.
I had problems adding my printer (although it was supported) under 10.1. It ended up being a problem with permissions on the files. There were some other oddities with printing on 10.1 that only afflicted some people. You might want to try running this app (which fixed all my print center probs):

also, to get a PDF out of MS Word (or any other OSX app under 10.1) you have to go to the print window and select preview from there. This will create a PDF file (which you can then save) and open it in preview.

good luck
Are you using Jaguar? Are you using an OSX version of Word? Or are you running it from Classic?

If you are running the OSX version of word this will work...

Seriously, in word do "File / Print" and you'll see a button on the lower left that says "Save as PDF".

Reboot into OS9, downloade the Free Acrobat Reader from Adobe, and you should be able to print from there.

Well i said before i have jag and osx version of office. I did the pdf thing and it comes up spaced once. dammmmmmmm y jag gatta suck at printer support.
ericbrian - have you tried doing a search of the site for 'print' or 'printer'? there have been a couple of other threads recently where people managed to get unsupported printers to work with 3rd party apps or other means. i suggest you look for these.
Ed i havent searched persay but i have looked at the threads everyday. I always check the site everyday but o well i ended up spending my time double spacing it my self. GRRRR jag man