Please Help: Classic Won't Start Up!!!


Whenever i open classic, it shows a flashing disk with a question mark on it.
Then it says "There is no valid system software to start up Classic.
Please consult the user documentation about installing appropriate system software."
What the heck does this mean!?

It means just what it says...a blessed system folder cannot be found.

It would be helpful if you described your setup...What Mac?, How is HD configured...any partitions?, What operating systems are installed and where?

Matt :rolleyes:
My OS X is version 10.0.4
My OS 9 is version 9.2.2

Even when i had 10.0 and 9.1 it would not work

What does blessed mean?
Dudeguy, when people ask you to look into things for yourself because they are a little long and complicated and a pain to retype or to go searching for to give to you (doing your work for you) then perhaps you should try that and report back what you found and why it did or did not work.

when someone asks you to give more info, it helps to give them all the info they ask for and not just the minimum you think is necessary and not just repeating yourself. posting the same useless info over and over isn't going to help.

we are your peers, not your service dept. either participate in helping yourself or drop it.

short answer - a blessed folder is an active, bootable system folder. now do the search and find the long answer.

btw, i don't think 10.0.x is the best combo with 9.2.2. How the two co-ordinate might or might not be part of your problem.
well, i just did a search for 'bless' and it gave me 34 threads, at least 5 of which are people who had the same problem you are having. one includes a complete set of directions for creating a temporary blessed folder.

hmm, i must be some sort of genius to be able to do that when you couldn't.;)

dump the attitude, then i'll dump mine and maybe you can get this thing fixed. otherwise i hope somebody takes pity on you and solves your problem for you since you don't seem to be able to help yourself.:rolleyes: