I solved my problem! The problems that I was having definitely were due to permission settings. After going back to Yoshi's How-to on installing MySQL and PHP, I noticed that I didn't run the "chown" command on my MySQL directory.
So after running:
"sudo chown -R mysql /usr/local/home/mysql/*"
I was able to start the MySQL demon without errors, and access the mySQL command line without errors!
Thanks to "Hypocampers" and all who helped!
Recap of what I did and how it was solved:
Note: my MySQL is installed at /usr/local/home/mysql yours may be installed at a different location.
1)Upgraded to OSX.2 (Jaguar)
2)Noticed that MySQL worked, but I had no access to command line editor (invoked with the "./bin/mysql -u root -p" command)
Errors were:
dyld: ./mysql Undefined symbols:
3)Backed up databases using the "/usr/local/home/mysql/bin/mysqldump --all-databases > db_backup.sql" command.
4)Copied "db_backup.sql" file to $HOME/db_backup.sql
5)Deleted MySQL directory (from /usr/local/home/ directory I typed "rm -r mysql")
6)Installed MySQL version 3.23.53
7)Got error when I ran the "/usr/local/home/mysql-3.23.53/scripts/mysql_install_db" to install the mySQL permissions table (If you want info about this step, refer to Yoshi's PHP/mySQL How-to in the How-to forum.)
The error Read:
"Sorry, the host mymac.local. could not be looked up.
Please configure the 'hostname' command to return a correct hostname.
If you want to solve this at a later stage, restart this script with
the --force option"
8)Solved error by adding the following line to the /etc/hosts file: Mymac.local. (substitute "Mymac" with the name of your computer)
9)Ran "/usr/local/home/mysql-3.23.53/scripts/mysql_install_db" again and got no errors.
10)Tried to start MySQL demon using "/usr/local/home/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld &" command.
11)Got the following errors in the "/usr/local/home/mysql/var/Mymac.local..err" file:
021020 18:32:42 mysqld started
021020 18:32:43 /usr/local/home/mysql/libexec/mysqld: Can't create/write to file '/usr/local/home/mysql/var/Mymac.local..pid' (Errcode: 13)
021020 18:32:43 /usr/local/home/mysql/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13)
021020 18:32:43 /usr/local/home/mysql/libexec/mysqld: Error on delete of '/usr/local/home/mysql/var/Mymac.local..pid' (Errcode: 13)
021020 18:32:43 mysqld ended
12)Ran the following command to set proper permissions (must be root user):
"chown -R mysql /usr/local/home/mysql/*"
13)Ran the "/usr/local/home/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld &" command again to start the demon. Got no errors.
14)Copied the "$HOME/db_backup.sql" file to "/usr/local/home/mysql/bin/db_backup.sql".
15)Ran "/usr/local/home/mysql/bin/mysql < db_backup.sql" to restore my databases. Got no errors.
16)All is back to normal!
Hope this step-by-step helps others who WILL face the same problems after upgrading to Jaguar. Just remember not to make the same mistakes I did!
Thanks again for everyone's help!