Please help with airport setup with pc router


okay, so I'm a new mac user (possible problem1) and i got an ibook for next to nothing (possible problem2) but I had to install an airport card myself (possible problem3) I am going crazy trying to connect it to our wireless router (which feeds 4 pc's) and I'm in need of some help
oh yeah, I'm running tiger and it's a g3 ibook
Are you using a regular Airport card in the iBook or did you try and fit an Airport Extreme card in there? The G3 iBooks won't take the Airport Extreme since the card and interface came after those G3 iBooks were released.

If you know that the iBook and the Airport card are working, you might want to make sure Airport is on and configured. In Applications-->Utilities, there should be an Airport Setup Assistant that will walk you through all the wifi settings.

To me, if the card is working it seems to me that the wireless settings for the Airport to connect to your wireless network aren't configured or arent configured properly. Make sure that you include all the information that you configured for the other PCs that happen to be running wireless.
What kind of router is it? It may seem like a dumb question but are the other 4 PC's all wireless or wired or a mixture? My G3 iBook is connected to a Linksys router with no problems. I'm sure we can get you up and running.
it's a normal airport card and i just got the computer so i'm having to change all the settings and whatnot so i have no idea if it is configured right, also, i get the beachball when i try to use the setup assistant
OK. I always get the same thing when I try to use the airport setup assistant -- most likely because we are not working with and airport base station. Perhaps whoever set up the router has MAC filtering enabled? On your wired router do the following:

1. Start up a web browser and in the address bar type (This is the DEFAULT address of your Linksys router -- hopefully it hasn't been changed)

2. It will ask for a user name and password (for the router) the default is admin for both again if it has been changed you'll have to have whoever set it up enter their password

3. Click on Wireless and then Wireless Network Acess -- if the button "Restrict Acesss" is checked that would be the problem. If it is continue on

4. Click "Allow All" (We will change it back in a minute)

5. Toward the bottom of the screen it should have a button that says Wireless Client MAC List -- click that -- that SHOULD bring up a list of all the computers connected wirelessly -- at this point just click the one that corresponds to your laptop and click Enable MAC filter then click Save

6. Click the Restict Access button (that we changed a bit ago) and hit Save Changes at the very bottom of the screen

7. Exit the setup and you should be all set!

Hope that works for you! If not send a reply and we'l see if we can come up with something else -- the last thing could be that WEP is enable in which case we will have to see if one of your roomates knows that password. Let us know!
okay, i got to 5 and my mac isn't on the list but using the airport assistant i can atleast "see" my network, there's just a connection error, probably the router
Do you have the router set to support a mixed network (802.11b/g)? If not, then there's the problem. The Airport only supports 802.11b connections so you wold have to make sure it's set for that.

Also remember that 802.11b doesn't support WPA, only WEP. So if the encryption if using WPA that's another problem. You'll be forced to go back to using WEP.
i'm not sure how to set up the router for a mixed network (b/g) but when i called linksys they asked for a few of my settings and said it should be ready to go