please help


i have a g3 pismo that i just upgraded to a g4, thought it is still in the g3 shell. i also have the disc drive updated so it is now a cd burner too. but as nothing ever goes right, my itunes won't find the cd burner. im not sure if anyone has ever been in this jam before but any ideas a greatly welcomed, thanks.
~very confused
Aside some great ideas that are "greatly welcomed" for you let me first welcome you to this forum.
Not that I have any great ideas, but I was wondering if the cd burner is listed in the system profiler. And does CD playback work? Also add which operating system you are using.
the cd burner is not listed, but the cd playback does work,and i am running 10.2.8, havent gotten to the apple store lately for 10.3. if no one knows what may have happened i will call the place that put it in when they are open, i have a feeling they may not have put a cd burner in even though that was paid for, but i would like to try to get it to work if i can.
im running 2.8 and i couldnt find the version for it because this version is for 10.3 and higher if u could find me the link to the older version i wouldlike that.