.png to .icns programe


Useless Icon Porter
How hard would it be to create an appliaction that I can give the locations for folder containing differnt image sizes in a .png format, and then the programe would scan the folders, and any .png that is in one of the folders, and has a file with the same name in the other folders gets all of the images pluged in to make a .icns file?

I have no porgraming experance what so ever, so I'm realy hoping this can be done in a languge that is easy to learn. :)
There are several programs out there that will do this for you..
Graphic Converter, or something like Iconographer (GC can setup batch processes with filters etc..) or you could use applescript..
Any sort of graphics manipulation is not a good way to begin your programming.

Unless you have a really good instinct for programming, I'd stick to, as Pengu suggested, Iconographer, which already does this, coupled with a fancy AppleScript to run it accordingly.