Pocket PC - USB - Virtual PC6 & WXP



I have an PBG4 Tiger latest version and an HP ipaq. I need to put my GPS software on it, that, of course, can only be run on PC.

THe problem I have is that i Installed VirtualPC6, but the USB connection will not be seen. I can install everything on my emultated Windows, but the transfer to my Pocket PC won't work. I read somewhere that there was a known issue with V-PC & USB, but I'm not sure what it was, and worse, how to solve it.

If anyone has an idea, or can point me to a information source, that'd be great.

Thanks in advance
PS : please, don't tell me that I need to get a MacBook... I know, I know, but I just got my PB 4months ago.....
you need to tell VPC the app to let windows to be able to see your usb stuff you have pluged in. in VPC 7 you just goto the PC tool bar part then down to PC settings and then where USB is listed there will show a list of USB hardware that you have pluged in to the mac. from there just check mark the boxes next to the USB hardwear that you want VPC to let windows to use. If you windows XP running and the PocketPC software installed windows will see the iPac and then install the drivers. then it will work the way it would on any other windows box.
Hi all.

Thanks for the answers.
It actually was because I had not instlaled the "complement" features on VirtualPC. That done, it is working, and now I got my GPS back.

Just for the record, beceause you might not know it, but under VPC6, ActiveSync up to 3.8 will not instll smoothely. It stops at 92%
That is normal, you just have to wait about an hour for the installation to complete.


Thanks again for the answer