Hello all.
I have a question. I purchased a 800mhz processor card from a powermac G4 quicksilver to replace my 466mhz one in my powermac G4 (AGP garphics digital audio). It's the same bus speed and, If I am correct, the motherboard is still the same...
Is there anything I should know prior to just swaping them?
it seems right, but I just want to make sure...
David Jourdan
I have a question. I purchased a 800mhz processor card from a powermac G4 quicksilver to replace my 466mhz one in my powermac G4 (AGP garphics digital audio). It's the same bus speed and, If I am correct, the motherboard is still the same...
Is there anything I should know prior to just swaping them?
it seems right, but I just want to make sure...
David Jourdan