Porcessor swaping question...


Hello all.

I have a question. I purchased a 800mhz processor card from a powermac G4 quicksilver to replace my 466mhz one in my powermac G4 (AGP garphics digital audio). It's the same bus speed and, If I am correct, the motherboard is still the same...

Is there anything I should know prior to just swaping them?
it seems right, but I just want to make sure...


David Jourdan
Did you get just the processor or the entire motherboard?
In any case, you must ground yourself before touching anything inside the case. You can do this byShut down computer, unplug keyboard and printer, etc. Keep power cord in. Open the case, touch the metal power supply, now unplug the power cord.
You will need to replace the memory chips and the internal battery onto the new board if it is an entire motherboard replacement.
Make sure you place it in so it is snug in place. (did that make sense?)
Thanks Cheryl.
Actually, it's just the processor card, not the mother board. And my question was more to make sure it's okay to switch from a 466 to an 800 MHz processor without any repercussions...

Thanks for your help!
