Port Mapping w/Airport Utility


While the new Airport Extreme Base Station is truly a wonderful product...it carries on the totally useless Port Mapping configuration mess of Airport Utility. Every single "normal" router in the world has a standardized Port Mapping configuration scheme and it simply works. Yet the worlds best computer company, who touts the simplicity of their OS, has this HUGE flaw. Here's a simple scenario I would love to figure out...surely there is someone out there with more brain cells than me who can do it.

I want to do a very simple port mapping configuration that I'm able to do on any router I've ever used...EXCEPT the Airport Extreme. I need to open up port 8081...OK, I go to Airport Utility and it looks quite simple...but entering in 8081 in Public TCP and Private TCP and then assigning an IP address within my DHCP range do nothing. When I go to ShieldsUp and probe this port on my machine it says it's in the STEALTH mode, which means it doesn't even see it...let alone sees it CLOSED or what I'm looking in OPEN.

I've messed with this for two days now...anyone have any ideas?

I am not familiar with the airport extreme, but i stopped using airports back in beginning 2000 as it was a bad product.

I suggest you try configuring the airport directly in stead of through an utility run on the computer. In general you access the configuration mode by typing the gateway address in the browser.

This works for most brands in my experience ...

Good luck, Kees
Actually, the newest Airport Extreme is an excellent router, especially if you have both Mac and Windows machines on the same wired network.

I know how to map ports on routers...my point is that port mapping with this router does not work and I just wondered if anyone had a fix for this. BTW, to manually configure the Airport Extreme you simply do so through the manual mode, but still using Airport Utility.

Im having the same issue. I just bought an airport and it seems that the port mapping simply does not work. I have tried everything to get vnc and my sling box to work over the WAN and nothing will connect. Not even FTP access. I compared my setting to a friends airport that does work and they are the same.

Has anyone found a solution? If not, its back to the linksys for me.
Actually, the newest Airport Extreme is an excellent router, especially if you have both Mac and Windows machines on the same wired network.

I know how to map ports on routers...my point is that port mapping with this router does not work and I just wondered if anyone had a fix for this. BTW, to manually configure the Airport Extreme you simply do so through the manual mode, but still using Airport Utility.


A product - of which a part is not working properly - can not be an excellent product in my opinion. My experience is from a long time ago (as i mentioned), but making it work like i wanted was my problem and still seems to be the problem (for some applications at least).

Good luck, Kees