Possible sleep sensor issue?


Well, the boy thought it would be a great idea to take his Macbook into the bathroom to listen to while showering. The first time went so great, he did it again. The second time, steam seems to have gotten it. I think this happened about... six months ago? Maybe less.

The intial problem was that it would not operate off of the battery but would work fine off of the charger, so he decided that was good enough for right then. I think around December, however, it started doing this thing where it loads to the homescreen and then immediately goes to sleep. Every now and then it will avoid going to sleep, but it seems to be really sporadic and possibly based on how long it's been since the computer was last unplugged. I.e., if you accidentally unplug the computer, it takes more tries before it will finally load.

Unfortunately, it hasn't fully come on in about a week. He finally caved and got a new battery but that hasn't really helped. My first thought was that he destroyed the logic board but after some google searching, it sounds like other people who have had liquid damage have replaced the battery connector/sleep sensor with a lot of success.

Does anyone know of steps to take before replacing/getting someone to replace the sensor (to see if it could be another issue)? Or is it more likely that it's the logic board after all? I'm honestly not sure what all he's done besides try to restart it several times. I think he's nervous to mess with it, but since it's already out of warranty and not working as it is... I don't see the problem with it.
Its either the battery cable/sleep sensor, magsafe board, or the logic board. I would try a new magsafe board before anything else since its barely getting enough power to come out of sleep. You'll need the parts and someone who knows Apple laptop repair procedures.