Post MWSF posting (please read)


Eyebrow Moderator
In trying to keep the forums as organized as possible, please try to post in the right forum for your topic...

yes its news that a lot of iapps came out and the power book came out...

if you are reviewing a software it belongs in the Opinions/Open Reviews forum

if you have questions about a certain software it belongs in the OSX System and software Forum

also, we dont need 30 forums complaing about safari not having tabbed browsing floating around. Please use the search function to see if there is a thread already dedicated to your topic.

thanks :)
yea, i'm pretty sure people are counting and making sure they don't reach 30. they'll stop at 29. :D

but just to clarrify to any newer members - if you come bakc and your thread is not in the forum you left it in, then look in the one that it was better suited for. or maybe even in a similar thread as we may just start combining them if this duplicate topics thing gets much more out of hand.
well i couldnt sit in here all day while you guys were doin nothing ;)

so i posted this... i moved a few threads, was on the verge of just deleting some but i didnt want to upset anyone...
Just leave them for a bit. Everyone's overly excited and having fun. No need to upset or confuse anyone at the moment. In a few days just clean everything up.
Originally posted by toast
You know what ?

I miss tabs in Safari. Maybe I should start a thread or two to explain that.


No, three.
One in Mac News, one in System & Software and one in Opinions.
