Powerbook displays & external displays


Staff member
Here is a question my father-in-law asked...

He was looking at the Powerbook 17" and he noticed that the display on it was not as bright (by what he said a significant margain) compared to say a 17" iMac display.

His question is... is that normal and secondly, if he hooks up a external display to the Powerbook, will he get the same brightness of a normal external display, meaning, the video card is not the driving factor.

I assume its a power issue... and that yea, it should be just as bright as any normal external display, but wanted to make sure.
this is not a condescending question - but did he up the brightness to full? I think mine (17" pb) is plenty bright. (the ambient light sensor can dim it w/o you realizing it sometimes...)

But when I hook up an external display (not an apple, just a cheapo 15" lcd) it's definitely brighter than my pb. so he should be plenty happy with his external display if he were to work off that fairly often.
He was looking at a powerbook in a store? Then it wasn't set up right. When I see a Mac not set right in a store, I change it. That's when people stop to look and get serious. :)
Apple stores have really bright lights. When I am home, I use the pb on the lowest possible light - the next one to black screen. It is SOOOO bright that unless I play games that are high on graphics, it is the most comfortable to my eye. When I take my pb to an apple store, in _that_ light id look just dark.

The brightness of the external monitor has nothing to do with the video card, as said.