PowerBook G3 Bootup

Total Konfuzion

Hope everyone is doing well this weekend.

I had a quick question that I'm sure one of you guys can answer. I have a PB Wallstreet 266mhz and it works fantastic minus the fact that the battery is dead and the pram doesn't seem to be functioning. On the rare occasion that I cold boot it I get nothing onscreen for about 15 seconds..then I get the good ole greyscreen and onto the Mac OS 9.1 loading screen. Is this normal for this type of powerbook? Is it because the PRAM and main battery are dead?

Thanks! :)
On some PowerBooks, the battery also powers the PRAM so if the main battery goes bad, it can have adverse effects on the Mac since there's also no power to maintain the PRAM settings. Check out Low End Mac to see if this is the case with your Wallstreet.
