PowerBook G4 500- Wildly inconsistent Airport signal.


My dad wants to upgrade from Ye Old PowerBook G3 400 to Ye Old PowerBook G4 500. After moving all of his shtuff to the G4, I started configuring it, and have noticed a problem.

This PowerBook G4 500 (rev. A) has always had a weaker Airport signal than the other computers. That's not the problem. The problem is that the signal, lately, has become completely wacky, sometimes going from 0 bars, to 4, then to 2, then back to 0... it's completely inconsistent. It'll go from the best signal to the worst signal and back again. Any ideas as to what the heck is going on?

Running 10.3.4 and the latest Airport software, too.
Is it the titanium book you are talking about? If so, there is a trick you can try. When you take off the battery, you will see some sort of a sticker on the thin side of the side (next to the little window). This is where the antenna is and you will need to press it a bit against the case so the contact is more stable and no more temp-dependant.