POWERBook G4 667 Heat Issues


Hi - my first post - ive recently bought a Mac (PBG4) but as we all know about the heat issue and the fan noise....so i did some customising myself.

I cut away some of the heat sink the blocked the airflow above the fan, tilted the fan abit, drilled holes in the bottom casing for heat to escape and also lifted the laptop to sit at an angle. Ive notice a BIG improvement and my fan only comes on for a few seconds at medium speed....

I just wanted to know what else have anyone done to cure thier heat problems with the Powerbook?

thanks - Oh and MACS RULE :D
lol... Anybody else have less drastic PowerBook mods to share? I'd love to keep mine cooler, but..... *shrugs* I've never been one for drilling holes. lol
use one of those super heat conductor plates under the TiBook. Those that they advertise that thaws frozen food super fast? They really work!
I would have used the"super heat conducter" but then my PB woundnt be that thin anymore and i wouldnt wanna have extra stuff carring around.

Another thing is the flaking paint ... I had lots of paint peeling off especially where my wrists rest on the casing...so i made another plan. I stripped my PB (even seperated the casing from the trackpad part) then scrapped the paint right off the casing (untill the BLACK part shows) then bought some matching auto paint (I used to spray paint cars) with a high gloss and resprayed it. No more flaking and shocking. Strange is that when i scrapped the paint off the casing.. i notices a thin copper strip around the case (got rid of that as well) . Anyway i must say all when well and my PB looks new again.

Dont have a digital camera to show u guys.

Back to Pong now.....
Oh another thing... here in South Africa we have LITTLE support for Apple (not very popular machines except in Design Studios). So we dont getr all the fancy addons - like heat plates etc etc. You just have to make your own or if u have the money then u can order from the States. But remember our exchange rate really sux.

U guys know of any other BRAVE mods....
Maybe it was the AIRPORT antenna, dunno how cos it didnt connect to anything. Anyway thats something i AINT EVER gonna use. Will get rid of the 667 ASAP to get the new PB (1.gig). Cos this doesnt have an audio in plug - needed badly for recording from stereo.

was beginning to wonder if i should go back to XP where my CL Live sound card did more than enough.....neh maybe not just yet.

I tried to convert the MIC into a audio input (connect the stereo to the mic) but it produced a scratchy sound although i could here the sound from the stereo loud and clear. Could'nt get rid of the scratchy sound though so i left that idea out.

Im still trying to improve the heat issue and will let u guys know. (IM THE BRAVE ONE)

Ive done tons of customising on my old AMD machine to get rrid of heat so lets hope the new challenge works out.

One idea is that behind the keyboard is a white plastic sticker. Was wondering if that was removed, wouldnt the heat be able to escape more through the keyboard as well.?? Then a again HOW does the fan actually work, sucking and extracting???

Any ideas.... This forum is kinda slow as well....might have to go posting back at NEOWIN.


lets chat rsallie@hotmail.com (MSN)
Before you do anymore to your TiBook, you should seriously look at the AIR FLOW of the TiBook. Just like a tower casing... which way the air comes in and go out... fan sucking in or out...

I have never thought of these issues because the heat issues never really bothered me, and the G4 chip has always been a little heater which I am used to anyway.

Kind of like AMD.

Good luck with mucking aound with the TiBOok. I think there is nothing really you can do to the TiBOok without compromising the structural strength of the TiBook. The frame structure was designed to disperse heat too, so consider that in your "redesign" of the TiBook. OK? Just sharing.
Thanks Plastic

I can understand / know the airflow direction of the fan but instead of blowing hot air OUT of the machine - it blows the hot air against the bottom inside casing. As far as i can see is that there really is NO proper airflow path.

Ive notice a sudden decrees in temp when the keyboard is lifted off or tilted. ive made a small device to keep the KB tilted there opening allowing hot air to escape. this is one of the best ways to get rid of the hot air. I dont mind the fan staying on at low speed BUT like i said there is no escape for the hot air.

This was the solution with the AMD, to suck cold air in and push hot air out.

This small fan does none of the above...

Any other suggestions??

PS: Ive noticed the fan runs non stop on slow speed while browning the web but went FULL speed NON STOP in OS9 using Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Netscape together. That was really an irretation cos i was working late at night and it really sounded like a hairdryer.

If i could SQUEEZE in another fan somewhere im sure that will be good or help.

Anyway thats life...Right now im trying to get MySQL to work with Apache Server and Webmin.
The reason I think why the bottom casing gets hot is because that is a conductor of heat to draw the heat out of the machine. I am not going to advise you to remove any more stuff man. And get a digital camera and take some pics of your mod and post them in here. I am curious to see what you have done to your TiBook.
Not sure what all the complaining is about, ever work with an athlon notebook or a p4 notebook? if you have, you wouldn't be complaining about the g4 powerbooks, heh.
u rite total konfuzion....i had an AMD machine with me on the weekend and damn was it loud...running only one fan 2. Anyway ive stopped all the customising,,,,i did respray the casing though with a better paint ( Perl White) its even better than the one Apple came with...... Thats it folks