powerbook G4 gray screen on start - tried suggestions from other posts


I clicked on a link on the San Diego newspaper website and the screen on the 15 inch powerbook G4 1.67Mhz I was using just went blank and the computer apparently shut down.

When I attempt to power it on, I hear one chime, then the disk spins for a about 3 seconds, then the screen goes from black to gray, then....nothing - screen stays a solid gray. We left it on for 5 hours and still just had a solid gray.

I've tried the instructions for zapping the PRAM, NVRAM, and PMU. Nothing has had any effect.

I'm out of ideas - does anyone else have any?

Thanks in advance.

I've done the recommendations on that page - except for booting from the Install disk (which is currently at home in another city)

So, is there something besides resetting the pram and pmu that I can do?
