Powerbook G4 hard disk won't sleep


I have a Powerbook G4 1GHz running OS 10.2.8. Beginning recently the hard drive won't sleep - it runs all the time. I reset the PRAM and NVRAM and also reset the PMU but these have not corrected this issue. Other ideas? It does seem like it might be a power management issue because it also has had some intermittent trouble with battery charging, sleeping, waking up, etc. Help would be appreciated. It is out of the warranty period.
I have a 12" G4 1.5Ghz w/ 10.4.5 and I have the same problem, but its not a new issue... I'm not sure if it ever has gone to sleep. The laptop wouldn't sleep at all without NMS Sleep assist, but the hard disk will not sleep. Not sure if that is normal. My firewire drive will sleep fine. If I boot from my firewire drive, it won't sleep but the internal drive will. Perhaps it is normal for OS X to refuse to sleep the boot volume disk?

I assume you have the option in energy saver set to turn off hard disks when possible. I do, but it doesn't seem to affect the boot drive.