Powerbook G4 + Jaguar = 2 hrs battery time


Raving Mad Mac Evangelist
I can't get more than 2.5 hours out of my 1.st generation Powerbook G4 500 mhz. I have 512Mb RAM and 10.2.1. The reduced processor option is selected in energy saver, but to no effect. In OS9 I used to get 5 hours out of a full battery. Anybody know a solution to this problem?
did it start right away when you upgrade? If not it is likely that you battery is just breaking down and loosing charge potential. If you have a spare battery or know someone that does give that a try and see how long it lasts for you.
Hey, thanks for the reply. Its always been like this in os X. Haven't checked in OS9, but the norm in my experience would be that I get 5 hrs with power-saving features enabled. Tried zapping pram, but no change