PowerBook G4 problems, and external CD drive?

Alexander Smith

Hi, my name is Alexander Smith, I am the owner of an excellent PowerBook G4 DVI, 667Mhz 768MB RAM. It's a fast little machine and is serving me well. I recently discovered that its CD drive has some problems. Now before you guys say "Hey he already posted that" I need to tell you that this post is mostly for another question of mine, but this problem has to be stated before I explain me next question. Anyway, I've tried inserting many different CDs and none of them work. I've tried OSX Panther CDs and DVDs, I've tried my Mac OS X Baldur's Gate 2 Throne of Baal CD, doesn't work, I've tried Unreal Tournament, and several others, none work. I bought this computer from a reputible seller on eBay, and he's been very helpful, he said that the CD drive worked for him, and that he used it to install Tiger and Microsoft before he shipped it to me. Every CD I've tried is for Mac, and even brand new, and old CDs don't work. I've tried doing this is OS9 as well, with the same result. Okay, so I decided that since I can't seem to find anyone who will do a CHEAP repair on my powerbook, that I should get an external USB Mac CDRW drive. However, before I do that, I need to know something, can I boot OS9 or OSX from an external USB CDRW drive? And can I boot OS9 or OSX from an external USB 160GB HardDrive?

Also, I have a few more questions as well. Are there any troubleshooting steps I can take to see if that fixes the problem? (btw, it's an optical drive). I know these CDs work, because I use them all the time on my eMac.

Thirdly, for some reason I am getting no sound on OS9 on my PowerBook. I set the sound up all the way in the control strip, but when I try to set it high in the main sound control area, I set the slider high up, and then it instantly jerks backt to mute. Mute is not on either.

So, anyone know what my problems are? Feel free to email me any big or really important stuff at: alexandersmith@coldfusiongames.com