Powerbook Logicboard Dead. How do I fix?


It seems like a lot of Powerbook users are having issues with the Powerbook (1.5GH?) logic board.

My friend now has the same issue as his is dead. Out of warranty of course.

Questions to those who have similar issues with a Powerbook logic board:

1) How much is it for the part?
2) Where is the best place to buy it (price)?
3) Can I replace it myself? I did a hard drive is it similar to install?
4) If you sent it in to get fixed, where and how much?

Just trying to get some information to help him out. So far CompUSA said it'd cost about $1000 (after $500 rebate for old board)

The logic board alone can run as high as $1100...

The main question is if the problem is actually the logic board. When prices start to reach that level, it is best to make absolutely sure that the logic board is the problem and not some other (maybe less expensive) part.

We have three (soon four) Apple Stores and a Micro Center in our area, add to that FirstTech and even GeekSquad (and independent consultants like myself) and I would think that CompUSA would be pretty far down the list of places I would go for service in the Twin Cities for Apple stuff.

Of course, of the Mac consultants I know here, I'm one of the few (if not the only one) who works on PowerBooks and iBooks (and even then, only if they are out of warranty).
Actually, my friend is in St. Louis Missouri. And the problem with taking it around to different places are 1) there aren't may of them. 2) it costs to have someone look at it.
It's probably going to be a more viable solution to get a new laptop, and sell the old, broken one on eBay, if a new logic board is 1000+ bucks. Broken things sell high on eBay.. Assuming you get at least 300 bucks for the laptop, a refurb might not be a bad idea:

Apple Certified Refurbished PowerBook G4 15-inch
Refurbished Powerbook 15-inch 1.5GHz Combo Drive
80GB Hard Drive
ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 (64 MB DDR)
AirPort Extreme
Bluetooth 2.0 + Enhanced Data Rates
Backlit keyboard
Learn More
• Save 31% off the original price
Original price: $1,999.00
Your price: $1,399.00
Estimated Ship:
1-2 business days
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eBay example:
15 inch Powerbook G4, screen broken, selling for PARTS
26 Bids
:confused: Didn't you ask if you could replace it yourself? Are you going to be flying out to Missouri to do this?

I, personally, don't charge for estimates*... but I know a lot of people that do. The thing is, like with medical prognosis, getting a second opinion on something major is worth the small added expense. Specially if it could help avoid multiple large expenses.

* Note: I'm not known for charging for many little things, as is evidenced by the fact that I spend a lot of time helping people on message boards for free... not exactly the most profitable use of my experiences (as my wife has often pointed out). :D
RacerX said:
:confused: Didn't you ask if you could replace it yourself? Are you going to be flying out to Missouri to do this?

No, they are coming up in a few weeks. It's a pre-planned trip. ;)