Powerbook stuck on startup screen...HELP!!!


Hi all,

I'm the proud owner of a 2 year old 15" Powerbook, and for the past two days, my laptop has not correctly or completely booted up no matter what I have tried. I've manually shut down (holding the power button for 2-3 seconds) and restarted it over two dozen times, to no avail. The best result I got so far was to leave it alone for an hour, then come back and immediately run Norton's before doing anything else...only it got a quarter of the way through and the computer just slowed to a halt...I could move the cursor but nothing would select or switch between programs.

Now, it can't even get past the grey Apple screen. I tried refreshing the PRAM with the command-option-P-R trick when restarting, but never got the second start-up noise that you're supposed to hear. I leave the computer on for hours, and it never gets past the grey screen. Ideas?

Interestingly enough, the computer is making two distinct noises. One is the regular click/hum of the HD when its thinking hard, the other sounds like its coming from the CD-ROM drive. I'd liken it to a very old, very slow disk drive from the IIc era...the sound those used to make when reading a floppy.

As far as I can remember, there is not a CD or DVD in the drive. I haven't been doing anything out of the ordinary with the computer, and it was working two days ago.


Many thanks!
Which system do you have there? 10.4.x, 10.3.x, .. ?
How much empty space do/did you have on the laptop?
Have you tried safe boot? (holding shift-key down after startup chime)
I'm running 10.3

Tried rebooting in safe mode, to no avail. interestingly though, instead of the grey apple screen with the counter-clockwise spinning burst, I just got the grey apple.
No he has been waiting, staring at the Spinning Beachball, for the last two and a half years. . . .


Now, can you give your Machine specifications? Model, OS, RAM, HD?


Hey Doc!

It is a Mac Power Book G4 which I bought a couple of years ago and when I recently downloaded an apple software security upgrade and re-booted the machine did not re-boot.

I have tried to restart it and have done almost everything I can think of. I did get it into safe mode and tried to re-install OsX but now all that I get is the blue screen of death and I am concerned that this may indeed be curtains for the machine as nothing I do now seems to work. It will now no longer even go to safe mode.