powerbook update?


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I have some friends who've come into some money, and they're pretty excited about getting a new powerbook. The question: should they get one right away, or might an update be imminent? Anybody have any ideas?
Apple itself, when speaking to MacCentral a few days ago, said that no new hardware will be introduced at MacWorld Tokyo, and even for a few months after that.

It's safe to buy ANY piece of Apple hardware right now...
That's what macosrumors are saying. Unfortunately, in my recollection they've NEVER been right.....
Actually, refreshes (speedbumps, new video, etc) would make some sense for MWNY - it's far enough off to be plauseable at least. But it's also far enough off that if you need a 'Book now, just get one. There's never been much of a point for waiting for something that's nearly six months away (maybe).
hmm yeah, I think, given the colorful words with which the interest in the tibook was expressed, that any advice I'd give them to wait for some minor improvements would be ignored. At least, if I had a bunch of money to spend on it, I sure as heck wouldn't wait.