PowerMac 7300


I am trying to help a teacher with a PowerMac 7300 that just died on her. When I got to it, it wouldn't see the hard drive. So I formatted and loaded 8.5 on it. As soon as it booted, it crashed with a message that said that quicktime had performed an illegal execution. Then I turned off all extentions and it booted all the way. Now everything crashes when you run them, web browser, sherlock, help. even the finder crashes. Could a bad battery do this or is something more seriuos wrong?
First, boot with the OS Cd and run Disk First Aide. If it finds problems, then click on the repair button.

Now open the hard drive and drag all the folders to the trash. Now do an installation again, but this time do a custom install. Select just the OS. If the teacher needs internet files, make sure you also select internet in the list. Do not install Open Doc or Open GL. Once it is done, you should be able to start up without a problem.