PowerMac G3 Blue and White model


This is for those of you who have the powermac G3 B&W model running Mac OS X Jaguar 10.2.x. who have around 350Mhz G3 processors. I was wondering how well these machines run Mac OS X with around 640 to 1024 MB of RAM. Do these run fairly well with all things considered or are they not worth the pain so to speak. Also does upgrading the CPU to a G4 500Mhz from Sonnettech make a big difference. Also does the quartz extreme really hurt this machine since it doesn't support it. Also if so is there a PCI video card that supports quartz extreme or not. From what I read on apples website from what I understood that most NVidia video cards support quartz extreme and that only AGP ATI cards supported quartz extreme or does the AGP also include the NVidia cards as well. Sorry for asking so many questions but this info would be very helpfull regarding my decisions to try macs out.
My specs are a B&W G3 550 mhz ( owc upgrade ) with 512 meg of ram, 2 drives a 30 gig boot ( OS9 and OSX ) and a 20 gig DATA drive..USB CD/RW. PCI Radeon 7000 and a Rage 128 both driving there own monitor (viewsonic G70MB) - Radeon 7000 is quartz extreme enabled and the rage 128 is not. I find this system to be great, stable and do what ever I want it too do. Web surfing - web design - multimedia ---- course a new PowerMac would do all this better......but over all ~ its a good machine. ---- Vid card - ram - and CPU are all good upgrades.
I have a B&W machine at work and it is smooth. I have 512Mb ram, a CDRW, scanner, printer, zip and an external floppy that right now only works in OS 9. I have had no problems with it.

If you are in the Chicago area you can come and check it out.
Thats good to know. Sorry I can't drop by and see even though I would really like too. I live in Clearwater Beach, Florida. Quite a bit aways. Plus I'll be going back to my summer house in Powell River, British Columbia, Canada in a few months. Just curious what G3 processor do you have as in Mhz or speed.
I was running my B&W G3 with a 350 Overclocked to 400 for a long time with no problems whatsoever. I'm running 512 of ram right now. I was perfectly happy with it. If you're looking to do a processor upgrade, with what you described doing, you may be better off to get a higher clocked G3. I just purchased a 600 G3 and have it clocked at 750 right now. It runs like a dream.

Quartz extreme doesn't hurt the machine performance wise even though the current config doesn't support it. I've heard of people enabling quartz extreme on PCI cards that have over 32MB of VRAM. The trade off I'm not sure of yet. The use of quartz extreme would pretty much saturate the PCI bus with info. Other things such as network access or HD performance may suffer under high video loads.