Preview fonts in X Finder


Gone !
How can I preview my fonts (TT and PS) in the Finder ?! I can't believe I have to use a freeware to do this. Apple integrated PostScript — and they don't let us preview fonts, neither TT or PS !!!

I really hope this is coming in Jaguar, Apple's losing points from a designer's point of view.
As a graphics designer, I can't live without a good font management tool, anyway, so I guess your 'Apple losing points' argument doesn't quite hold its water.

However, it *should* be a function of the Finder, since there already is a Preview Pane in Column view. But sadly, as of 6C48, it is not.
I use FontExampler to preview my fonts. As I still work under OS9, reasons for this being that OSX is not productive enough and that software is missing (Quark), i use ATMD as most design people (I tried Extensis Suitcase, i couldn't get I what I wanted from it).

FontExampler is free at
I always use TrueType Font Editor, it's in: applications/utilities/asian text extras (in mac os 10.1.5)

This will open only True Type fonts, which means I can't preview my PostScript files, neither their Printer file or their Bitmap screen file* (this last one I could in OS9). And that's a real REAL problem.

*: FFIL file