previewing PC gamma on a Mac....with success!?!


Hi all

My question to you all is whats the best setup to view (approxiately) what my website would look like on windows platform.

Before you answer the obvious responces, I must state that my monitor is setup at 9300k at a gamma of 2.2 - which i believe SHOULD view like a pc.

I have used the Apple Display Calibrator Assistant and SuperCal as i do not have a hardware calibrator at the moment (not sure if they can do the job).

Problem is when i view content on various pc's, my content STILL looks darker than the estimates.

when viewing my Photoshop screenshots through Imageready and Fireworks - the fireworks preview is much darker than the imageready preview - I JUST DONT GET IT!!

I thought the fact that we are dealing with hard coded values with the gamma that i should at least get it appoximatley close, i know one cant account for brightness levels on users machines but the overall brightness level just looks a bit too different to be of any use.

what am i doing wrong - and even more importantly what setup does anyone suggest for 'previewing' web content for viewing on a pc that is known to work.

thanx to all that can help
Well, you just can't really do that. Colour is _not_ the same among two PCs. Not even among two Macs, because people (and systems) have different preferences. One might like to set up his system with a warmer or colder hue than the next person. Others might like more contrast, different gamma etc.