Printing in home network


We have an Asante FriendlyNet 3200 wireless router, a cable modem connection, an iMac, and two iBooks, and a new HP Deskjet 5550 printer. Instead of connecting the printer to the iMac through a USB connection, I thought it would be better to use the printer-serving capability of the router. I connected the printer to the router using a parallel cable and then installed the HP printer software onto the iMac. The iMac can't find the printer, though (I haven't checked the iBooks yet). The instructions supplied with the router, as well as instructions in Mac Help seemed pretty straightforward, but I must have missed something. I would appreciate any help on getting this to work.
Sorry. The iMac and one of the iBooks use 10.2.3. The other iBook uses 9.2. I thought that Print Sharing was not the way to go since the printer is not connected directly to any of the computers. I thought that the printer should show up as an IP address (or something like that) in the network. I also thought that Rendezvous would automatically find it. But maybe I'm misunderstanding something basic about the setup.
You are connecting the iMac via ethernet. You need to turn on AppleTalk so the iMac can see the printer. Go to the Network pane of System Preferences. Click on the AppleTalk tab. Make AppleTalk active, then click on apply now.
Close that pane and go to the print center. Select AppleTalk. The printer should be seen. Make sure the printer is on when you do this.
Make sure you go to the menu and select default before you close the print center. Now you are set. :)