Printing to a share on Win2003 - driver?


I have an Epson R200 printer sitting on a LinkSys USB printer server. Win2003 shares it fine with my Windows boxes. My Mac PBG4 sees it via either AppleTalk or IP. But I can't configure the Mac driver. It dosen't show up as an available printer description. I have connected the printer directly to the PB USB ports and it works fine.

How do I get the PDD into the printer list?

I have printed to it, but w/o the correct Epson driver I get garbage or PS description file info.

If this is the incorrect forum for this question, please advise. I can't seem to locate a way to search these forums. Is searching not available?


Yes. Still using Panther. Sorry, I should have included that in my original post.
Thanks for the tip.
I give it a go...
