Printing to Canon iP2000 over Windows XP share?


I am trying to get my new iMac (Tiger OS X, Intel) to print to a Canon iP2000 over a Windows share. The computer can detect the printer and add it to the list of printers perfectly fine, but when I try to print, it seems to work, but the printer itself does not respond. It is considering the printer to be a general PS printer.

I attempted to download the driver software Canon had on their website, but after I did, no new drivers for the iP2000 were available, and reinstalling the printer had no effect.

How can I figure out what is the matter?
Canon made the driver for USB only - USB is written into the driver so you can't access the network printing protocols of CUPS in OS X.

The only CUPS driver I know of for your model is from
Thanks a lot - this print driver worked. It says it will print a logo on each page unless you purchase a license, but I can't see that it has yet.

Thanks again!