

For President
I had all my icons set, but now they went back after a restart i guess. I cannot delete any files from my main internal Hard drive. none of the settings will stay the same for the icon sizes. When i try to delete something it'll say "The item <anything> cannot be moved to the Trash because it cannot be deleted"

Thats bull shit. I'm the administrator. It wont let me do anything now. It will move files within the hd by COPYING them. not moving them. can anyone help
Sounds like you have a permissions error on the files you are trying to delete. Try downloading something like the applications "Get Info" or "XRay", where you can change the permissions very easily via a graphical user interface (both should be available at You could also use the terminal by using the "chmod" command if you're up to it.

About the icons permissions not staying, you'll need to delete the ".DS_Store" file, because most likely it is owned by root and isn't allowing you to modify the file. You can, again, do this via the Terminal, or download a utility like TinkerTool which will allow you to see invisible files system-wide.
thanks, get info worked! All i did was change the owner back to me and i can freely do whatever i want. :) Thanks simX