While trying to insert my registration key in snapz prox, i cant insert the letter 'i' or 'o'. If anyone knows how to fix this, it would be of great help.
If the letters "i" and "o" work in all other apps, then I would first see if the program has a plist files in the Preferences folder and trash it and try again.
We have set up an irc server at irc.ambrosia.net that you're welcome to use to talk to other Ambrosia fans, as well as the people who make Ambrosia Software tick. If you're unfamiliar with irc, irchelp.org is a good place to get started.
irc is real-time chat, similar to AOL's chat rooms (in irc terminology, a chat room is a "channel"). Popular channels are available for all of our games: (#nova #pop-pop #coldstone #uplink etc), as well as a general chat channel, #JustChat. Once you are connected to the irc.ambrosia.net irc server, type /list for a full channel list.