Problem startup - no room to install OS X


So this is the problem:

My OS X 10.4.11 is not starting up on my Powermac G5. When I boot up I get a message telling me to reboot my system 'kernal panic: We are hanging here..'

I'm pretty sure I deleted a necessary file.

I am trying to install OS X again using archive and install because I do not want to lose the data I have (my music & more) but the problem is I didn't leave enough room to install OS X, even with just the basic install. I have an external harddrive hooked up and I need to somehow transfer some info to that harddrive to leave the space to install or throw some files in the trash to leave enough room. I would like to know if this is possible. I can't boot up in safe mode.

Your help is really appreciated.
Try this: haul that external hard drive out of its enclosure and put it in your PM G5, you've got two drive bays in there; or buy an inexpensive SATA/IDE-USB adaptor kit. Archive and Install on to your extra internal hard drive and then see if you can get into the faulty disk to extract the files you want. You can try to repair the faulty disk later with a full OS install, but that'll wipe the whole disk. And while you're inside the PM, check the RAM seating, and switch the sticks about.

Can you start up the G5 in Terminal mode? If so, you can run a couple of repair command lines, but search the forum for the info on that, I can't remember it.