Problem using Linksys Print server with Epson R2400 printer


I recently purchased an Epson Photo R2400 printer and direct connected it via firewire to my mac. Everything works fine. I'm running OX 10.3.9 on my G4.

Now I want to network the printer and we bought a Linksys print server. When I go to set up for IP printing and add my printer, it doesn't show up in the list of printers in the pull down menu. It stops at 2200. Also all the print drivers have gimp and the end, which I'm not familar with. I know if I can't choose my correct printer then I won't have the functionality. Can anyone help me with this. Is it just because it's a fairly new printer and the drivers are not supported by Linksys?

Any insight would be appreciated.
You should try the Gimp-Print 2200 driver.

Epson doesn't make a driver that works for network printing (except models with ethernet built-in, and then the driver would be "Epson IP or Epson appletalk").

In addition, with the print server, you need to enter the correct queue name for that model server. Typical ones are L1, P1, lp1 (check the Linksys print server documentation).

Good luck.
Thanks for your suggestion. I will give it a try. In theory if Gimp-Print comes out with a R2400 driver then I should be set, right? I think until then I might have to keep it directly connected to my computer, unless the 2200 works.