Problem with a PowerMac 4400/200


A freind has a PowerMac 4400/200 with only 32Mb of memory. His hard disk crashed and asked me if I could do anything with it. I treid Norton Disk Doctor, It said it could not fix the drive too reformat it. At the time someone had put 9.0 on it for him. I tried to reformat and put 9.2 on it. It would not do it. I then tried 8.6. It installed but would not boot ( not enough memory) unless I turned off all the extentions. I tried turning on only the ones I needed but it still said out of memory. I then installed 8.0 that came with the computer. The same thing happens. What is going on? Could the drive be marginally bad?

He said up unitl the disk crash it was running fine. He had never done any maintenance on the machine since he bought it new.

With only 32 MB of ram, it will only run OS 8.
Did you do a clean install? Try it again, this time, run Disk Set up and totally erase the drive. Use HFS- standard and not HFS+.
Now run Disk First aide. This will check over the hard drive for any problems. If it does find problems, have it repair them. If not, continue to the OS install.
Install only the minimun stuff, basic with internet if he uses the computer for email, etc.

Now give it a try. You should run Norton - boot up with the Norton CD - make sure it is for OS 8. That would be version 4 or 5. Let if fix all the problems it finds.