Problem with my network browser in the Finder


I wonder if anyone can help me with this problem. i have a G4 867Mhz Quicksilver machine running OSX 10.3.4 and when I click on the Network Icon in the sidebar of the finder I get the servers icon and nothing else. it shows up none of the computers on my network but I can manually log in to them using the connect to server route. Is it a corrupt plist or is there something else that has been corrupted.
No, everything is just "normal" (in terms of being like this for everyone). Apple seems to still have problems with such kind of network browsing. However, if you leave the finder window opened for some time, it should show your computers.
I have tried leaving it on the finder window and still no network appears. The other machines on my network do not have this problem, that is what makes me think it is not a normal occurence
Since you mentioned plists: did you try to delete the Did you also repair the permissions?
I have tried trashing the finder.plist and still I cant Browse the network. I can connect to any of the servers using their i.p. addresses but I cannot use the browse facility as all is shows is the servers alias and that only shows the local machine when clicked. the problem is there no matter wether I am logged in as root or any user.