Problem with Que! Firewire Drive


Staff member
My issue...

I have an external Que! Firewire drive. I think its the 16x speed one, but not sure. Anyhow, it's not slower than that for writing.

It burns CDs just fine, if you insert a data cd, it works like a charm. If you insert a AUDIO cd, it says the disc is not formatted and wants to eject it or "format" it.

I am running 9.2.2 & Toast Ti 5. Not sure what the deal is. When iTunes is running, I won't get any errors but it won't show up at all, in iTunes or on the desktop.

sorry i didn't notice this one any sooner. too busy yaking with Ak i guess. so have you figured this out yet? I remember having a similar problem a while back. i don't remember right off hand how i fixed it but i did. that was several problems ago!
i am assuming you have updated to 5.0.2 which works out some bugs. also did you remember to go back and take out the apple authoring support stuff after recent updates especially the authoring support & itunes updates!!!! updating toast last will do this automatically. if you already are at 5.0.2, the easiest way is just to trash the app and reinstall from scratch up to 5.0.2. of course you might know a better way.
also you might want to try the osx beta. it's not fully functional but it works nice for what it does. one cure for the recognition problems in osx is to launch toast first, then insert media, each one at the point it is required to do next step. might work in 9 as well. I am pretty sure i haven't tried an audio cd with 9.2.2.
would also suggest you check out the listserve support groups at I subscribe and just about evry possible problem gets brought up and resolved if possible. I keep all the toast posts (there are hundreds of windows posts compared with dozens of mac) I need to go thru and read the latest ones soon anyway. I will keep my eye peeled for you.
in future feel free to pm me any time you post a question about toast as i will be glad to try and help.
ok, you haven't acknowledged reading the last post yet so i don't feel so bad about not responding sooner.:p hope your problem is fixed by now.:)