problem with the 12'' alubook


As some of you guys maybe remember, my bro had some issues on the tv-out from his first rev 12'' alubook. Since few months he can't plug the book to the tv and get a proper pic. Somehow the system thinks it's a VGA screen and everything looks really messed. We reinstalled the system, repaired permissions, changed cables, tested other tvs and also updated the ati drivers (included in the 10.3.7 updates) but nothing worked.
Since the book has 2 years warrenty from the seller (it was not the apple store), it should be no problem to get it repaired for free.
Well, now the seller asked my brother to prove that this problem is based on a "pre-damage" and wasn't caused by him. Well, of course, how can he mess up with it if it never dropped..
I was wondering if this has anything to do with the logic board issues?! Or does anyone have a good argument how to convince the seller?
If the seller is asking that proof that the error wasn't user operator, they have to be able to tell you what the error is. Doesn't sound like logic board.

Also, even if it was operator error, wouldn't the extended warranty cover that? Check the fine print.
Thanks Rand.
Unfortunately, operator errors are not covered by the seller. :(
My bro showed the book to a mac reparation service and they told him that they surely will need to renew the board. They couldn't say how the error was caused..
I mean, would it be possible to damage only the tv-out unit without messing up anything else? And it's not like it's completely messed. It simply doesn't recognize tvs anymore. VGA-out works just fine. It sounds really weird to me..
Could it have been a software issue, i.e. a reinstall might have helped unless you've already tried that.

There shouldn't be any reason why the TV-out doesn't work while VGA-out works. Like Randman says, if they are convinced it's a user error, tell them to show him what the error was. That way, you'll still get it fixed :).
Actually I don't really care for Apples policy in this case, Rand. My bro bought the book from that seller (which is a very big one) and should get his warrenty.
Viro, we reinstalled the system few times and even tried with jaguar. It was the same problem. We always completely erased the system and didn't keep any files. It could be a firmware problem too, but when did we ever update it and is there any firmware update with macosx updates? I don't think so.
I was thinking of asking them to show how a user could cause this error.. I will assist my bro this weekend and see how the seller gonna act. Will pretend I am some mac guru since they are not experts with macs and maybe they can be convinced. Cross your fingers and thanks for the input.