Problems mounting removable media - can't reload system


So, I have recently began having problems mounting any type of removable media, from firewire hard drives, CD's, A USB Dazzle Media card reader, etc.
I found some very helpful artciles abpout checking the etc/hostconfig file. I have rewritten it countless times via pico, and the file appears to be valid. The autodiskmount is set to removable, 27-ish lines,
But still, no go on being able to see any volumes. Through Terminal I can disktool to mount, say a CD, and it says the task has been completed, but alas, nothing shows up on my desktop. It will however eject disks.


I grabbed my OS X 10.2 install disk, restarted my machine holding down the C key, and began the reinstall of OS X...
UNFORTUNATELY... When the option screen to select a disk to install OS X on shows up, there are no available options.
I go into Disk Utility and all volumes check out OK.
fsck - y in single user mode also says all's good

Otherwise my machine runs fine.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.