Problem's with Airport Connection

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Been having a problem with my airport network ever since i updated to 10.1.4 ,
and the problem still persists with 10.1.5.
Everytime i boot up, even though my Titanium detects the airport network, and my Airport base is connected (online), all my internet programs like my browser, icq, messenger etc, dont detect an internet connection at all.
The programs only detect the connection after i've rebooted.

and so, i've got to startup my system twice everytime i wanna get online...

i've even tried a clean installation of 10.1, updated to 10.1.5,
and i still get the same problem.
none of my housemates seem to have the problem...

thanx a million in advance!

Under Jaguar, I had to add each computer to the Basestation. Mine was also online and etc. Randomly I was unable to access the internet. My roomate and my own iBook had no trouble from the start. In short. In short, make sure all your computers are added to the basestation with their Airport ID #.
If you haven't done so all ready.
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