problems with connecting external drives


Hi There,
I've been recently experiencing problems with connecting more than one firewire drives directly to the existing computer ports.
I use MacPro tower, leopard 10.5.5

When I have one drive already connected and try to add another external drive it either doesn't pop up, or the one that is already connected goes offline.

I first noticed it when I was trying to use simultaneously either 2 800 firewire ports (one on the back, another on the front) or 2 400 ports (i never cross connect 400 and 800).

To resolve the issue I bough a 400 firewire hub, and decided to start connecting the drives only this way. Unfortunately, the problem persists, i.e. I work normally with two drives (connected right after I start the computer), and if I later add the third, the system goes crazy.

I have similar conflict using the eSATA ports. I use one eSATA slot only for a 5tb drive that is permanently on and I can never connect anything else to the remaining ports, because the earlier connected drive goes suddenly offline.

What could be a possible reason for that? Could that be a faulty e-sata card? (it is sonnet tempo SATA E4P, installed to the only PCI express slot so no mistakes here possible). i noticed other strange issues after installing this card (and i had to take out one of my 3 graphic cards to do this): FCP often refuses to render simple graphic effects saying that it is not possible with current graphic card (and I have now two of them, both factory installed cards ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT)

Thanks in advance for your advice