Problems with Epson Stylus Photo Printer in OSX


Ok this just about has driven me MAD!

I just bought an Epson Stylus Photo 785EPX printer... and right away I have problems...

I can't print to Continus Feed photo paper (4"x26') without the printer going haywire reporting a paper jam and spitting out so much paper it takes a few tries to get it to rewind it all... (is this a Card Reader ONLY feature??? If so that majorly sucks!)

I can't get "BORDERLESS PRINTING" on "BORDERLESS PAPER" nomater what I try! I can't get it in Photoshop (7) at all - and OSX's Preview got me borderless on the right side of the printed paper, but still have whitespace on the rest of the three corners.

Has anyone gotten this printer to do everything it claims to do under OSX?

And I wonder why I can't contact Epson's customer support via email... not listed on thier site at all, going to try but if anyone has a valid email address please let me know, as their operating hours just so happen to be when I'm at work (two jobs) far far away from my computer and printer to try their phone support. :p

Thanks for any help.
my epson 1280's driver support for osx is quite lacking as well, i hope they update soon, or im going to have to boot up 9 and print through that :(
Borderless printing does not currently work under OSX according to Epson. I have the same issue with my Stylus Photo 820. Epson customer service had no idea when or if that might change.
Ditto, AllanBDahl.

Do any others have regular paper jams? I have an 820, and I've gone through three of them because they keep feeding a dozen pages at once and tearing up the print heads.

Originally posted by rharder
Ditto, AllanBDahl.
Do any others have regular paper jams? I have an 820, and I've gone through three of them because they keep feeding a dozen pages at once and tearing up the print heads.

I had the same problem and on a whim I tried switching to Epson Premium Bright White paper and the problem went away. I think using cheap paper clogs the print heads.