problems with Internet Explorer


New to this....hope I do it right. Have a Ibook running 9.2. Usually have no problems with getting anything on IE. In trying to go to the site for in order to renew my web name the site refused to open - Actually it sorta opened but all fields that normally one would enter something had an X in the box. Called Register and they could not understand it because they had had no other problems, and said it was probably a Mac problem (they did not have a Mac Tech anywhere!) so told me to call Mac. there are other details I can report if someone wants to communicate with me about this. Could it be that my IE is version 5? Should I have a newer version? how do I get one, if that is the case?
Thanks, E
THe latest version of IE for Mac OS 9 is 5.1.7.

There is another browser you can try: iCab

Just make sure you download the 3.x version for OS 9 and PowerPC-based Macs. See if you encounter the same error on iCab.

Could it be they are requiring some sort of plugin in order to fill in the information on that page? Sounds kind of silly, but you never know.